
The 2025 Ontario Provincial Election

  • Fact: There is a scientific consensus that the Earth's climate is warming due to human activities, such as burning fossil fuels and deforestation.

    Amongst individual scientists, 99% agree with the consensus. It’s important to note that this is far greater agreement than existed amongst medical doctors about the cancer-causing effects of smoking, when the first U.S. smoking laws first went into effect (

  • Fact: While the Earth's climate has varied naturally in the past, the current warming trend is happening at an unprecedented rate and is strongly linked to human activities.

  • Fact: While it is true that the Earth's climate has changed in the past, the current rate and magnitude of change are much faster and more severe than any natural climate change in the past.


“ There are no passengers on

Spaceship Earth.

We are all crew. ”

- Marshall McLuhan, Canadian Philosopher

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Windsor of change is a non-profit That aims to empower the Windsor-Essex community, through education and engagement, to act and adapt to climate change and define its own unique climate action identity.



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