Windsor-Essex Votes - The Heated Issue of Climate Change

Save the date! The Windsor-Essex municipal elections will be held on Monday, October 24th (with early polling having already begun in some municipalities). In preparation, we have sent candidates across all municipalities in the region a questionnaire to find out their stances on climate change and sustainability. 

We all have a role to play in the health of our local communities. Making sustainable choices in daily living is incredibly important, but elections create an opportunity for these mindful choices to extend past our front yards.

We all have the power to make a lasting positive impact on our communities. 

We want to highlight climate change issues and sustainability leadership at the community level and amplify its priorities and concerns. After all, municipalities are generally on the forefront of experiencing and responding to climate impacts, and our elected leaders can decide how well we can be prepared for them. Municipal governance influences an array of important topics - public transportation, natural heritage, land use planning, agriculture, resource use etc., and sustainability underlines all of them. A climate-forward council is healthier for the land and for the people on it, short-term and in the future.

Check out our questionnaire:

Read the questions on our survey and forward to a candidate that hasn’t responsed.

the results are in!

Your candidates have responded.

Check out the results from our questionnaire and use this as a tool to vote in a climate positive council this election season.

Listen to our interview on AM800:

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