Global warming

What the Ice Age tells us about how plants will manage in a hotter world

What the Ice Age tells us about how plants will manage in a hotter world

What important lessons does the infamous pre-historic animated squirrel from the Ice Age movies have with respect to modern day climate change? Baird Langenbrunner takes us on an inter-epoch ride with his tales of what the Last Ice Age has to say about the adaptive capacities of plants today.

Originally featured on Massive Science, this article unpacks layers of information of what lies ahead, from what has already occurred!

A Climate of Changing Infrastructure

A Climate of Changing Infrastructure

With the increasing effects of climate change becoming apparent, the status of existing and upcoming projects becomes a matter of life and death. Thankfully, Canada is taking “concrete” steps in laying the “foundation” for climate resilient infrastructure!

Clean Energy: News to (CO2)OL Down the Planet

Clean Energy:  News to (CO2)OL Down the Planet

Did you know that your favourite toilet paper is now being given a second life? Or, how about the fact that a clever Swiss company is using the carbon in the atmosphere to fuel lettuce growth? Green scientists and engineers all over the world are coming up with ingenious ways to beat the growing heat!