paris climate agreement

Much Trudeau About Something - How Canada Still Can Improve on Climate Change Awareness

Much Trudeau About Something - How Canada Still Can Improve on Climate Change Awareness

When it comes to climate change awareness, the current government of Justin Trudeau is quickly making up for the Harper government's inaction. But, as an open letter from Ottawa-based think tank Evidence for Democracy shows, improvement is still necessary.

Be Green Be Profitable – How One Entrepreneur is Educating Corporations on Climate Change Risk

Be Green Be Profitable – How One Entrepreneur is Educating Corporations on Climate Change Risk

If the world is in chaos, everyone loses. That’s the view that the founder of Earth on Board, Philippe Joubert adheres to. Learn more about why he believes corporations and governments need to work together for a sustainable future and tackle climate change.

A Climate of Changing Infrastructure

A Climate of Changing Infrastructure

With the increasing effects of climate change becoming apparent, the status of existing and upcoming projects becomes a matter of life and death. Thankfully, Canada is taking “concrete” steps in laying the “foundation” for climate resilient infrastructure!

Climate Change: A Matter of Scientific Literacy or Political Ideology?

Climate Change: A Matter of Scientific Literacy or Political Ideology?

Climate change doesn't have two sides. Then why do some still think it does? "As if there were “two sides” to gravity, and whether we fall or float when we step off the cliff somehow depends on our perspective, our opinion, and our politics rather than on the facts." - states Dr Hayhoe, a climate scientist, on why the issue of politics is the biggest barrier to overcome in this fight.

Making Earth Great Again: One Tree at a Time

Making Earth Great Again: One Tree at a Time

In an upsetting turn of events, U.S. President Donald Trump withdrew the United States out of the Paris Climate Agreement in June 2017. Some continue to protest this action, some continue to be upset, but read on about how 3 brave New Zealanders, from a city not much bigger than Windsor, decided to turn things around.

Welcome to WOC

Welcome to WOC

Windsor of Change (all pun intended), is a blog about climate change and how Windsor will be affected by it.  It hopes to put climate change in the context of our beloved city Windsor, and how we could/ would be affected by it. And most importantly, what we can do as a community.


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