
Hurricanes, Storms and Wildfires: 2017's Climate Saga

Hurricanes, Storms and Wildfires: 2017's Climate Saga

Every catastrophic storm, flood and fire in 2017 has been significantly worse than ever before, and left thousands of people devastated as a result. And in every case our changing climate has directly contributed to the level of destruction, leaving us to bare a great deal of the responsibility. Read about how 2017 beat new records, here at home and the rest of North America.

Would You Like Some Reality with that Popcorn?

Would You Like Some Reality with that Popcorn?

Hollywood is turning the heat up with its latest gamut of sci-fi movies. Graeme Virtue of The Guardian discusses how changing times have meant more movies are incorporating the reality of climate change to their narrative, and how scientists are becoming the heroes and heroines we deserve, and the ones we need right now!

Making Earth Great Again: One Tree at a Time

Making Earth Great Again: One Tree at a Time

In an upsetting turn of events, U.S. President Donald Trump withdrew the United States out of the Paris Climate Agreement in June 2017. Some continue to protest this action, some continue to be upset, but read on about how 3 brave New Zealanders, from a city not much bigger than Windsor, decided to turn things around.

I Recycle, Compost, and Drive Electric. Who Cares About Policy?

I Recycle, Compost, and Drive Electric. Who Cares About Policy?

Your green actions will go a long way in reflecting the changing consumption patterns and effects at an individual level. But is reducing our energy consumption the only way for us to mitigate climate change?

What about policy?

Welcome to WOC

Welcome to WOC

Windsor of Change (all pun intended), is a blog about climate change and how Windsor will be affected by it.  It hopes to put climate change in the context of our beloved city Windsor, and how we could/ would be affected by it. And most importantly, what we can do as a community.