
Love in The Time of Climate Change : Celebrate a Greener V-Day!

Love in The Time of Climate Change : Celebrate a Greener V-Day!

Valentine’s Day is a celebration of all things love, but the Earth is an often overlooked part of the festivities. Much of the consumerism that happens in the name of showing love and making memorable moments also makes a lasting negative impact on our environment. Make your special day eco-friendly by opting for mindful (and local!) date ideas. Check out our list for all the things you can do with your special someone!

Sustainability in Art: Local Windsor-Essex Artists Join the Conversation

Sustainability in Art: Local Windsor-Essex Artists Join the Conversation

As Climate Change continues, so do the efforts to incorporate eco-conscious habits into daily life. Often, suggestions to do so involve recycling, turning off the lights, and turning off the tap water when we’re brushing our teeth. But what do sustainable practices look like when it comes to art? Local Windsor-Essex artists Gisele Bick and Julie A. Bell join us to discuss sustainability in art and the ways they ensure their practices are eco-friendly.

Windsor-Essex Votes - The Heated Issue of Climate Change

Windsor-Essex Votes -   The Heated Issue of Climate Change

Save the date! The Windsor-Essex municipal elections will be held on Monday, October 24th. In preparation, Windsor of Change has sent candidates across all municipalities in the region a questionnaire to find out their stances on climate change and sustainability.

The Tipping Point - From Anxiety to Action

The Tipping Point - From Anxiety to Action

Eco-dread and climate anxiety are becoming a fast reality for many who are direct or indirect victims of climate change. This can be counter-productive in the fight against the crisis and can have profound implications. In the second and final part of our series on climate change and mental health, guest author and Policy Planner at the Town of Essex, Jeff Watson, writes about the changes we can make in our daily lives that will help with both alleviating mental health issues arising from climate change as well as climate change itself.

Growing Your Own Food : A Pathway From Consumption to Connection

Growing Your Own Food : A Pathway From Consumption to Connection

How do we break the cycle of production, consumption, and demand in our communities? What do we do when we start losing our connections to each other, our relationship with nature and consequently, our time? Dane & Alley reflect on breaking their ties to systematic consumption by simply turning towards one thing connecting all of us right now : the soil.

The Breeze - Vol. 1

The Breeze - Vol. 1

The WOC team is proud to bring to you our latest offering - The Breeze. This is our quarterly newsletter giving you a roundup of the latest feature stories from our website, relevant environmental news from our region, and the best stories from the world of climate change. Check out Vol. 1.

Citizens in Action - "Canada is on Fire"

Citizens in Action - "Canada is on Fire"

As Canadian politicians gear up for an early federal election, various residents of Windsor-Essex County are calling attention to bring the climate crisis front and center leading up to their campaign trail. On September 8th, while catastrophic climate events continue to erupt around us, citizens of our region will be demanding emergency-level climate action, at Dieppe Gardens. Windsor of Change interviews Sofie Waters, one of the founding members of the Windsor-Essex Youth Climate Council and leaders of tomorrow’s march, about their rally call and message to Canadian political leaders.

Made With Love

Made With Love

With fashion and clothing choices being everyday rituals, what does it mean to be conscientious about a rapidly changing apparel industry that has more than its share of an impact on environmental and social problems? How do our choices influence more than what meets the eye? Amber Lively, a champion of sustainable fashion in her life and community, takes us along a journey of her confrontation with fast fashion by allowing us into her personal trove of memories.

Earth Day With The Detroit River: Flowing Into Restoration

Earth Day With The Detroit River: Flowing Into Restoration

Earth Day is on April 22nd, and every year, community members assemble to plant trees, clean up streets and beaches. This year we put the focus on water. Windsor of Change interviews Jacqueline (Jackie) Serran, the Remedial Action Plan Coordinator at the Detroit River Canadian Clean-Up, about Earth Day celebrations, the work they do, and how we can continue to be involved in protecting our River.

Threading Up: A Windsorite's Journey with Sustainable Fashion

Threading Up: A Windsorite's Journey with Sustainable Fashion

The journey to a sustainable lifestyle is highly regarded and quite necessary in a world contending against climate change and its impacts, but it does come with its own set of challenges. Alley Biniarz began her sustainable fashion store, Grown Lady Garments, in Windsor in April, 2020, which came with its own inspiring tale. In this article, Alley talks about how in a quest to living more sustainably, she found a personal connection with life and self-love through clothing.

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