climate action

Windsor-Essex Votes: Candidate Platforms and Climate Change

Windsor-Essex Votes: Candidate Platforms and Climate Change

The Windsor-Essex municipal elections are just around the corner and in preparation, we sent out a questionnaire to candidates across all municipalities in the region to better understand their stances on climate change and sustainability.

Staying on top of platforms and issues in a sea of information can be overwhelming; our goal is to equip you with knowledge about where your potential representatives stand regarding climate change mitigation and resilience building—so, we’ve summarized larger trends for an overview of where our local politics are leaning, pertinent climate issues and corresponding possible solutions, and what we can look out for as informed voters in local government.

Windsor-Essex Votes - The Heated Issue of Climate Change

Windsor-Essex Votes -   The Heated Issue of Climate Change

Save the date! The Windsor-Essex municipal elections will be held on Monday, October 24th. In preparation, Windsor of Change has sent candidates across all municipalities in the region a questionnaire to find out their stances on climate change and sustainability.

Growing Your Own Food : A Pathway From Consumption to Connection

Growing Your Own Food : A Pathway From Consumption to Connection

How do we break the cycle of production, consumption, and demand in our communities? What do we do when we start losing our connections to each other, our relationship with nature and consequently, our time? Dane & Alley reflect on breaking their ties to systematic consumption by simply turning towards one thing connecting all of us right now : the soil.

Climate Change - It's Driving Me Crazy!

Climate Change - It's Driving Me Crazy!

News of extreme weather events in Canada and beyond have plagued us this summer and in the past. The physical and economic damages from climate change impacts are quite well-documented; however, there remains one aspect of impacts that is possibly the least discussed and most overlooked - mental health. Over the upcoming weeks, Windsor of Change will share a series of articles on the toll of climate change on our minds and health, written by guest author and Policy Planner at the Town of Essex, Jeff Watson.

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