
Threading Up: A Windsorite's Journey with Sustainable Fashion

Threading Up: A Windsorite's Journey with Sustainable Fashion

The journey to a sustainable lifestyle is highly regarded and quite necessary in a world contending against climate change and its impacts, but it does come with its own set of challenges. Alley Biniarz began her sustainable fashion store, Grown Lady Garments, in Windsor in April, 2020, which came with its own inspiring tale. In this article, Alley talks about how in a quest to living more sustainably, she found a personal connection with life and self-love through clothing.

The Silent Crisis of the Great Lakes

The Silent Crisis of the Great Lakes

This story comes from the other side of the aisle. From across the Detroit River, Michele Arquette-Palermo from the Freshwater Forum at the Cranbrook Institute of Science, draws our attention to the failing state of Great Lakes infrastructure. In an era of climate change, rising lake levels, and increased precipitation in the region, is the Great Lakes region prepared enough for a surge?