
Threading Up: A Windsorite's Journey with Sustainable Fashion

Threading Up: A Windsorite's Journey with Sustainable Fashion

The journey to a sustainable lifestyle is highly regarded and quite necessary in a world contending against climate change and its impacts, but it does come with its own set of challenges. Alley Biniarz began her sustainable fashion store, Grown Lady Garments, in Windsor in April, 2020, which came with its own inspiring tale. In this article, Alley talks about how in a quest to living more sustainably, she found a personal connection with life and self-love through clothing.

Reality Bites - 24 Environmental Events That Shaped 2019

Reality Bites - 24 Environmental Events That Shaped 2019

Windsor of Change, Kim Michele, and 24 Hours of Reality, proudly presents, Reality Bites!

Reality Bites will cover 24 of the most important environmental stories of 2019; what defined climate change and our need for speedy solutions. It’s meant to bring awareness to the problems we are facing in an era of change and inspire global climate action.

Not Worth It – How Time is Ticking for Alberta's Boreal Forest

Not Worth It – How Time is Ticking for Alberta's Boreal Forest

The Boreal forest of Canada is part of the largest land-based biome in the world. But, as with other biomes, it is under immense climactic threat. A recent study at the University of Alberta revealed how the clock is ticking on one of Canada's most vital assets.

4 Reasons to Re-think Suburban Living in Windsor-Essex

4 Reasons to Re-think Suburban Living in Windsor-Essex

Windsor-Essex county has the perfect blend of city life, farmland and affordable, residential homes. However, in a increasingly populous world, where the need for sustainable practices trumps almost every area of development, how much will it cost us to maintain our North American style of living, and what do we do next?

Northern California - A Green Getaway In The Time of Love

Northern California - A Green Getaway In The Time of Love

Love happens all year round, but for the month of St. Valentine, double up on some good karma by giving some hearts to the planet! If you like to combine romance with travel, Northern California should be your go-to destination with its top of the line sustainable luxury hotels, farm-to-table restaurants and numerous other green treats!

How to Live Green on a Budget

How to Live Green on a Budget

Want to know how live a green lifestyle in your home without having to spend hundreds of dollars? As part 2 of our series on how to be green on a budget, WOC shows you easy ways you can help the planet from your Windsor home.

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