
Thinking of Buying A New Smartphone? Don't.

Thinking of Buying A New Smartphone? Don't.

Smartphones may not be that smart or sustainable after all. With emissions numbers enough to make you roll your eyes right out of the back of your head, OEMs are becoming notorious for unsustainable practices. Fortunately, we have a trick or two up our sleeves to help combat this problem.

How to Live Green on a Budget

How to Live Green on a Budget

Want to know how live a green lifestyle in your home without having to spend hundreds of dollars? As part 2 of our series on how to be green on a budget, WOC shows you easy ways you can help the planet from your Windsor home.

Sustainability - Why You Should Be Windsor's Everyday Hero

Sustainability - Why You Should Be Windsor's Everyday Hero

Sustainability is the ability to provide for the current generation without sacrificing the needs of future generations.

But what does sustainability mean to a Windsorite?

Here's a Pentastic Idea!

Here's a Pentastic Idea!

Have you ever wondered why certain objects are recyclable and others not? And what is the difference between recycling a milk carton and a cellphone? Did you know that the City of Windsor’s recycling facilities recycle many different kinds of plastic, but stationery is NOT one of them?

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