earth day

Growing Your Own Food : A Pathway From Consumption to Connection

Growing Your Own Food : A Pathway From Consumption to Connection

How do we break the cycle of production, consumption, and demand in our communities? What do we do when we start losing our connections to each other, our relationship with nature and consequently, our time? Dane & Alley reflect on breaking their ties to systematic consumption by simply turning towards one thing connecting all of us right now : the soil.

Earth Day With The Detroit River: Flowing Into Restoration

Earth Day With The Detroit River: Flowing Into Restoration

Earth Day is on April 22nd, and every year, community members assemble to plant trees, clean up streets and beaches. This year we put the focus on water. Windsor of Change interviews Jacqueline (Jackie) Serran, the Remedial Action Plan Coordinator at the Detroit River Canadian Clean-Up, about Earth Day celebrations, the work they do, and how we can continue to be involved in protecting our River.

Seeing is believing: Eight documentaries to watch for Earth Day 2021

Seeing is believing: Eight documentaries to watch for Earth Day 2021

As we in Ontario are pushed indoors again in the face of a third province-wide lockdown, Earth Day celebrations will be remote again. Fret not reader! Windsor of Change is ready with your Earth Day fix with eight stunning and educational documentaries

This year, we at Windsor of Change want to celebrate the ethos of Earth day all month round. Get started with these researched and selected recommendations of films and series that tell stories from across the planet. Each one reveals the intimate balance of life and nature, unexpected friendships, and the value of individual courage.

ERCA Earth Day: Planting a Firm Future in Place

ERCA Earth Day: Planting a Firm Future in Place

Canada’s temperate forests and wetlands will be one of its most important resources in the fight against a rapidly changing climate. This Earth Day, the Essex Region Conservation Authority (ERCA) is hosting its traditional annual community tree planting event, and we sat down with ERCA’s Gina Pannunzio to learn more about the city’s highly popular spring-time activity and how it’s impacting the Windsor-Essex community.

Citizens in Action: In Conversation with Windsor's Eco Disaster-Restoration Team

Citizens in Action: In Conversation with Windsor's Eco Disaster-Restoration Team

In the wake of a rising number of intense rainfall and flooding events in the Windsor-Essex area, millions of dollars worth of property are at risk of heavy damage. As limited landfill space and rising CO2 emissions pose a bigger threat with each passing day, how do we work to sustainably recover damaged personal property? Content Processing Centre's Jeremy Brown breaks it down.

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